A nice collection of releases for this week including a nice P&P re-issue on 45 by Queen Yahna -Ain’t it time, a very collectable slice of jazz filled disco from the Patrick Adams camp. Keeping on the re-issue tip we were pleased to get copies of the remastered 12″ of Garfield Fleming – ‘don’t send me away’ which is a classic soul crossover record that’s a must for any record collection. On the edit tip we had a limited amount Pete Blaker edits on Balearic Blah Blah where he turns some iconic 80’s pop moments into blissful Balearic chuggers. Hopefully more stock arriving as we speak. On a world music tip we have Sam Remore’s reworkings of Alafia on Canopy Records. These mixes are very well done and have lots of dancefloor energy. On a restock tip we have the excellent Love Drop on Gamm back in stock if you missed it the 1st time around.